This Moon Calendar is a concise and practical guide to growing edible and ornamental gardens. The double-sided laminated calendar has easy-to-follow directions. Discover the optimum time to plant, fertilise, cultivate and even when to fish to maximise your success.

The practice of moon gardening is based on the moon’s gravitational effect on the moisture in both plants and the soil, and to a lesser extent, on the effect of moonlight. Following the Moon Calendar ensures seeds germinate soonerplants are stronger and have higher crop yields.

There are a few annual moon calendars and posters available but they only last for a year and then you have to buy another one! What makes this calendar different is it’s a perpetual model that you just reset each month, year after year – a much more sustainable choice! Even better, it applies to any climate, anywhere in the world. [Scroll down to read more benefits]