I’d like to share a secret I use in my garden to get great results. Strong, healthy happy plants. This ‘secret weapon’ saves me a LOT of time and money.  It’s moon gardening or planting by the moon!

OK, ‘moon gardening’ may sound a little strange if you’ve never heard of it before! Stay with me and I’ll reveal the secret in more detail and how YOU can use this to your advantage.

Learn the Benefits of Moon Gardening and how to work with nature's moon cycles to boost your success

Learn the Benefits of Moon Gardening and how to work with nature’s moon cycles to boost your success

You are probably already familiar with your climate zone and are planting in the right season for your location. One easy way for you to maximise your gardening success is by working with nature’s lunar cycles. By that, I don’t mean getting outdoors with a shovel in the middle of the night! Moon planting has been practiced by farmers and gardeners who were in tune with nature’s patterns. In our busy modern world, many gardeners have lost sight of this age old science-based technique.

“Gardening by the moon has been practiced for many thousands of years and is not about planting at night but about being in harmony with natural growth patterns.” – Sheree Scott

“Gardening by the moon has been practiced for many thousands of years and is not about planting at night but about being in harmony with natural growth patterns.” – Sheree Scott


How Does Moon Gardening Work?

The moon has four ‘phases’ or ‘quarters’ – each last about 7 days. In the first two quarters, the ‘new’ dark moon you see gets bigger and more visible. This is known as the ‘waxing’ phase. You see an increase in light until the full moon is visible.  The 3rd and 4th quarters are after the full moon. This is when the light begins to ‘wane’ or decrease. Then the cycle starts again.

Every month the lunar phases rotate from new through to full moon and back again

Every month the lunar phases rotate from new through to full moon and back again


So why am I sharing this with you?

“Because what goes on in your garden is very much influenced by the moon … and that can bring you some distinct advantages!”

If you’re still taking a ‘hit and miss’ approach to timing in your garden, there’s a much easier way!

Just as the moon influences the rise and fall of the tides, it also has a gravitational effect on the moisture in plants (sap), the soil and water table. These effects are magnified at different times of the month’s moon cycle.

“Moon gardening is simply learning to garden according the moon’s phases. Sowing and harvesting in harmony with the flow of moisture as it is drawn up the plant into the stem and leaves, fruit and seeds. Or down into the root zone with the gravitational pull of the moon.” – Anne Gibson


The tides are highest, for example, at the time of the new and full moon when lunar gravity pulls water up. At this same time, the moon also causes moisture to rise in the earth.

The tides are highest, for example, at the time of the new and full moon when lunar gravity pulls water up. At this same time, the moon also causes moisture to rise in the earth.


What’s the significance of moon phases for you?

There is more moisture in the soil at this time. This encourages seeds to swell, burst and sprout because that’s when they will absorb the most water. If you’ve ever had trouble germinating seeds, I encourage you to try again. At the right time of the month. The difference I’ve had in results over the years has convinced me timing has a major effect on successful seed germination.

Moon gardening tip: This is an often unknown fact. If you know when soil moisture is rising, this can help you have greater success with seed germination. If you buy or plant seed, this can save you a LOT of money over time.

If you know WHEN soil moisture is rising, this can help you have greater success with seed germination. Sow your seeds at the best time. If you buy or plant seed, this can save you a LOT of money over time.


The amount of moonlight at different times also influences the growth of plants. As the moonlight increases (new moon and second quarter), this stimulates leaf growth.

After the full moon, the moonlight decreases, putting energy into the plant roots. At this time, the above-ground leaf growth slows down.  So this becomes a favourable time to plant your root crops and bulbs, because of the active root growth.

Moon gardening tip: Knowing this helps you plant at a time when you can work with nature's law of gravity and benefit from strong growth.

Knowing this helps you plant at a time when you can work with nature’s law of gravity and benefit from strong growth.


At different moon phases, the gravitational pull of the sun and moon are combined to create a high sap run in plants. This is an optimum time to plant above-ground crops like leafy greens. At other times, these natural forces create a rest period for plants. This is an ideal time to prepare new gardens, prune, weed or harvest. Or just take a well-deserved rest yourself!

“The practice of moon gardening is simply about planting at the right phases in this lunar cycle.”


My Experiences with Moon Gardening

Over ten years ago when I found out about moon gardening, I started to test out for myself whether it would make any difference in my garden. I experimented by planting edible crop seeds and seedlings in the same garden beds and seed trays under identical conditions except for the timing. Some were planted at the optimum time for growth and some when it was not ideal.

Without a doubt, the results proved to me that timing DOES make a difference. From my observations over time I can see when plants have a renewed energy and vitality and when they are just sitting there not doing much. Now I understand the reason behind these different growth phases and plant accordingly to take advantage of it.

Without a doubt, the results proved to me that timing DOES make a difference. From my observations over time I can see when plants have a renewed energy and vitality and when they are just sitting there not doing much. Now I understand the reason behind these different growth phases and plant accordingly to take advantage of it.


“I believe in working with nature and using any smart strategies for less work and more food from my garden!”


From my experiences over thirteen years, moon gardening provides many benefits over just planting with a ‘hit and miss approach’ at any time during the month.

  • Seeds definitely germinate sooner. So you can speed up the time taken to get crops on the table. Root vegetables and bulbs also shoot more quickly. This is especially valuable if you have a short growing season or are raising seeds late in the season.
  • Plants appear to grow faster and are healthier. When comparing plants sown at the optimum time to those that weren’t, I have noticed they are larger, more robust and not weak and straggly like the others.
  • Plants produce higher yields. I’m all for that!
  • Plants have less pests because they are stronger. This minimises the need for intervention to fix a problem + the cost and time it takes for pest management. Love that!
Moon gardening tip: Timing is a BIG factor you can use to optimize the healthy growth of your garden.

Timing is a BIG factor you can use to optimize the healthy growth of your garden.

Does Timing your Planting with Moon Phases Make a Difference?

I’ve done dozens of experiments with numerous crops that grow above and below ground, when taking cuttings, sowing seeds and fertilising. I’ve always been a curious gardener! I really have to see something working before I share it with others. I’ve put moon cycle planting to the test and find it a fascinating way to fine-tune your timing.

The best way to see moon gardening work is to experiment and observe. That’s what scientists do! I watch details carefully and have come to the conclusion that timing makes an incredible difference. It can have beneficial results or be a disaster. My sister is a scientist and I have learned to isolate just one criteria that is contributing to your results. In the case of moon gardening that’s TIMING. So I have a control group of seeds, seedlings or conditions to make sure I know it’s only the TIMING factor that is different. I keep notes in my garden journal of planting, fertilising and pruning times and record results.

Here’s just one example of what happened when I pruned in the new moon phase – when sap was running high. I think you’ll find it fascinating!

For me personally, I know it works. I’ve seen the evidence. I think tuning into nature’s rhythms makes sense, but I understand not everyone will give it a try. This is a video of one experiment I did with garlic. I hope you find it interesting. I think the results speak for themselves.


How to Plant and Garden using a Moon Calendar

So how DO you moon garden or plant by the moon exactly? The method I use, is to follow the moon phases on a simple, easy-to-use moon calendar. I set the new moon date at the start of each month and use it year after year.  It tells me exactly what activities to do at different times of the month.

You can obtain more information on and buy your very own moon calendar by clicking the image below:

Moon Gardening Calendar - a simple low-cost tool to maximise your yields and plant health, increase seed germination and reduce pest attack.

The Moon Calendar divides the 28-day lunar cycle into 6 separate gardening periods. It reveals the optimal days for planting different crops, when to harvest, propagate, prune, fertilise, cultivate and even the best time for fishing!

To start working with moon phases, on the first of the month, all I do is align the new moon symbol on the calendar wheel (green) to the date of the new moon for the current month. I leave it set in that position until the next month.

What are the advantages of this Moon Calendar?

There are a few annual moon calendars available, but I like this one because it:

  • Is PERPETUAL! So you buy once and never need another moon calendar EVER again (less waste, more sustainable and cheaper!).
  • Never goes out of date and is SO easy to use.
  • Applies to any climate, anywhere in the world.
  • Was designed by market garden farmers who also owned a plant propagating nursery and they needed to be successful! It turned their businesses around.

How Can Moon Gardening Benefit You?

The key benefit is TIMING. One of the practical things I use the moon calendar for is to show me when to apply liquid fertilisers, so the plants make the most of them. i.e. taking up the plant food when the sap is running strongly.

Watch this Video about Moon Gardening

Learn what Helen C of Sydney, Australia has to say about her experiences with moon gardening and using a moon calendar.


If you use sprays, this moon calendar also indicates when to apply them for pests, weeds and diseases for optimum effect. By applying at the best time, you can save money by not wasting product. You can optimize the benefits of using it by getting your timing right.

Using a moon calendar can help you to optimize planting activities

Using a moon calendar can help you to optimize planting activities


It also helps you to pace your garden activities throughout the month. You don’t always have to be planting – just try to plant at the BEST time. I use the moon calendar to plan the best dates for sowing what I intend growing. I’m a more organised gardener now!

Buy Now - Moon Calendar

Other Benefits of using a Moon Calendar are:

It provides you with directions for the optimum time to:

  • Sow and plant above ground crops (such as salad greens, tomatoes, peas, beans, melons, cucumber etc).
  • Sow and plant root crops (including carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, bulbs etc).
  • Take cuttings and propagate when sap run is high to produce strong growth.
  • Graft and plant fruit trees and ornamentals.
  • Sow flowers.
  • Divide and repot house plants.
  • Achieve quick germination and a rapid growth spurt of edible sprouting seeds and microgreens.
  • Prune, weed and harvest (including for long storage life).
  • Cultivate and apply fertiliser.
  • Even go fishing for best results!

A few last practical tips …

  • I’m certainly not fanatical about rigidly doing everything by the moon – the reality is, that life happens!  I use it as much as I can. But, if it’s more important to get a pot-bound plant into the ground for example, then I don’t wait for the perfect moment!  I’ve had to rescue plants what would have turned into ‘dried arrangements’ just to save them and plant at the ‘wrong time’ of the month. That’s common sense gardening!
Moon gardening tip: If you really need to get something planted, don't stress if it's not the BEST time. Just get it done!

If you really need to get something planted, don’t stress if it’s not the BEST time. Just get it done!

  • Sometimes the weather means I have to make a decision to plant earlier than is ideal. At other times, I don’t want to wait until the absolute best time in the following month, because it will be too late in the season to sow. It’s OK!

“So, use your common sense about making decisions in your garden … these choices are just as important as moon gardening too.”

So, I hope I’ve given you something to think about – and perhaps shed a little ‘light’ on a new secret weapon to use!   You’ll certainly save money and time in the garden using a moon calendar. You can obtain more information on and BUY YOUR OWN HERE.

If you’ve already been moon gardening, I’d love you to share your experiences or if you have questions, please leave a comment.

For more tips , check out posts in the How to Grow and Tips & Tricks categories.



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© Copyright Anne Gibson, The Micro Gardener 2016. https://themicrogardener.com. All rights reserved.

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