Want to grow your own nutritious organic food garden?
Whether you grow in containers or a garden, it can be overwhelming trying to figure it all out. Who wants to waste time, money and energy only to experience disappointment?
Imagine growing healthy, healing foods you can enjoy every day, while reducing food waste and living more sustainably. With a little help, good planning and design – even in a small space, you can maximise your enjoyment and edible rewards.
If you’re a beginner or just want to get better at growing an edible garden, I can help you avoid mistakes, disappointing results, pests and diseases, a weed-filled garden and other common problems.
This website is designed to help you take shortcuts, so you can learn to grow healthy, nutrient-dense food quickly and easily. I invite you to watch this video to learn more.
Ready to Get Started? Join my Newsletter
As a first step to growing an edible garden, I invite you to subscribe to my FREE Newsletter. Every month I share organic and sustainable gardening tips to help you grow nutritious food and special offers.
It’s short and sweet with quick tips, inspiring ideas and easy-to-follow information you can learn from.
As a BONUS when you join, you’ll receive two complimentary eBook gifts. “A Sow Simple Guide to Using Herbs for Health” that introduces you to the benefits of growing and using herbs and my popular “Container Gardening Tips Guide” to help you confidently start growing safe food in pots. [Value $10]
“I am an avid reader of your Newsletter and eBooks and just love all your tips and great ideas for small gardens … thanks heaps for making things easy to do and interesting.”
“I want you to know how much I enjoy your Newsletter. I am a very private 19th century person and don’t subscribe to any Newsletter but yours. Your website and communications are professionally presented, scholarly, educational, inspiring and lovely to look at.”
“Even as a Master Gardener I need to be reminded of the basics and encouraged to strive for the most bountiful sustained harvest! The site is so beautifully done and overflowing with many different subjects that I know I will be accessing it daily to see what is added and waiting anxiously for the next month’s eNewsletter. I feel like I just found TREASURE! Thank you for what must be a huge endeavor. Your passion is a great support to people and our planet.”
Educational Resources
Want to dig a little deeper into growing a sustainable, productive and healthy edible garden? Looking for helpful resources, books, DVDs and gardening guides?
I’ve created and curated a range of sustainable and economical products and services to help you build your knowledge about herbs, microgreens and sprouts, making your own potting and seed raising mixes, moon planting, worm farming, strawbale gardens and much more.
If you need personalised one-on-one help, I also offer on-site visits and online chat services to help you design your space, troubleshoot frustrating problems and fast track your garden goals for success.

Guide to Using Kitchen Herbs for Health

One of the easiest ways to start your food garden is to begin with a few fresh herbs. They not only provide you with delicious flavours in your meals, but also aid digestion and can help support a healthy immune system.
Herbs like basil, parsley, chives, garlic, rosemary and oregano have SO many uses to boost health too. In my latest book, I guide you with actionable step-by-step instructions to plan your space, create healthy soil, and learn to grow, harvest, store and use 25 common edible herbs indoors and out.
I promise it’s a fun read as you discover ‘plant parenting’ skills to boost your confidence ‘raising herb kids’ and using herbs daily.
This reference guide is easy-to-follow for beginners, but also packed with a wealth of information for experienced gardeners to deep dive into plant profiles, recipes, remedies and research, so you can layer your learning over time.
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